Dad's Birthday~
Starting from the Left: Cason, Ming, Myself, Birthday MAN*, Mum, Yang and Ben
Not in Photo: Kiat +
Happy Birthday Dad!
Everything started at 12pm where we decide to get a present from orchard for my Dad, The gang met up at J8 to look for Samson's mp3 at Sony Style. Do not know why he like visiting that shop.. +++ Left at 12+ and head for orchard as sam has agreed a lunch with his bunk mates.
Well... The rest of us had lunch at Ramen Ten at Far East. Food there was okay... just that, don't order for the big bowl that has a $2 charge with it and adds extra ramen to your bowl. 1 word. BLOATED.
Continued our walk to paragon with Cason who actually marched when he was explaining the things that happened this week. Went in Ralph Lauren with that awhole sale guys who doesnt even look at us. Then a lady who was carrying a LV bag entered. "Afternoon Madam" , she was greeted with a big smile! What an Awhole..! What lousy attitude. Wearing slipper only wat.. MY SLIPPER very expensive one okay!+
Finished choosing the design and size. I decided to make payment. "Do you accept NETS?" "Is yours a MasterCard?" Then i was like... Jaw dropped.. Thankfully Ben likes to bring loads of cash around.. LoL GO ROB HIM! haha. He took out 3 notes settled all. "No cards. We only cash"!!
Grabbed the Polo T and went back to Ahma's house where we waited for my Mother to finish her mahjiong game at 6.45pm when we already planned to have dinner at 6. Haiz... Nothingtosay.... hais... Then Kiat suddenly dun wan go... HAIZ....
+Dun Like!
+Dun Like!
My Dad then came over to AMK and drove us to the SAKURA international buffet behind my school. Another BLOATING meal.. LoL!
+Faster RECOVER!+
*This never hear b4 phrase came out from my mum...